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Welcome to Travel Taj By accessing or using our website and services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read these carefully.

Once the booking is reconfirmed 100% cancellation will be charged if cancelled less than 21 days prior to arrival.
If booking is done less than 21 days from arrival or less, immediate reconfirmation will be required to secure the booking.
Booking cannot be guaranteed until it is reconfirmed.
Please note that if the booking is in the cancellation period(within 21 days from arrival) after confirmation if there is any cancellations the penalties will be applied.
Maximum no of persons accommodated in a room would be 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children
Children above 12 years are considered as adults
Children below 2 years will be free of charge (Only one infant per couple)
If flight details are not received within 48 hrs from arrival, airport transfers cannot be guaranteed.
If Arrival/Departure time falls between 2100 hrs - 0700 hrs, and additional charge surcharge will be calculated based on vehicle applicable for all given quotations.
Based on the flight timing, the final program may subject to change / kindly consider confirmation voucher as the final


Unforeseen escalation in fuel prices, new taxes/levies on hotels and transportation services or any hikes in entrance fees. Any large tax hikes and new levies shall be payable extra and shall be billed accordingly with reasonable prior notice.

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